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    One Man and His Dog

    One Man and His Dog

    Our new artist, Chris Williamson, works primarily in oil on panel, although he has been known to work on paper, walls, canvas and computer...even the backs of envelopes. Utilising photo and sketch references - on-site where possible - he has recently started using an iPad, which he says is very exciting - 'All those tools in one box!'  His early work was based on the hills and landscape surrounding his home.
    However, he is also drawn to the sea and tries to visit the coast for a beer and inspiration when time and finance allows. As you can see, he quite like dogs.

    More about Chris Williamson

    The Beauty of Colour

    The Beauty of Colour

    Here at Green Pebble we absolutely love our latest artist's use of colour. Jenny Hancock's vibrant paintings positively explode from the canvas, spreading joy is all direction. 

    Two of Jenny's happiest places are her garden and studio. She lives in a rural location and has a studio with doors that open onto her garden, through which she can see the countryside beyond.

    'From these I take much of my inspiration,' she explains. 'Painting mainly with acrylics and oils, I also make multi-layered hand-printed lino cuts. I enjoy both processes, so some days it’s a painting day and others I can’t wait to print!'

    Read more

    Hello, Ellie Ling

    Hello, Ellie Ling

    In childhood, Ellie Ling read Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden and her love of walled gardens was born. Now she creates her own narratives set behind garden walls. This gives her a beautiful excuse to visit other people’s gardens and spend time in her own. Using drawings, photographs and memory as reference material, her paintings depict, through everyday incidents, the ancient idea of the garden as an earthly paradise providing joy, peace, pleasure and intimate moments of communication with nature. When she needs a break, she goes out and gets her hands dirty. She has, she says, the best of both worlds!

    See Ellie's range

    Oo! Gold and Silver!

    Oo! Gold and Silver!

    Artist Sally Bruce Richards, living on the Isle of Mull in Scotland, has taken the use of silver and gold leaf to a new level, producing eye-catching paintings by layering the gilding with Japanese rice paper onto wood. As she explains, 'Mine is a continuing story of enchanting artworks. Hares wait under windswept trees; bees and humming birds feed on heavy blossom; a silhouette of a fox on the horizon, big eyed owls watching.' 

    See Sally's cards 

    New! Spread The Love With Our Christmas Gift Tags

    New! Spread The Love With Our Christmas Gift Tags

    With so many customers asking us if we publish gift tags, we have decided this year to introduce a lovely little range featuring our bestselling winter images. Can you picture these on a gold or silver wrapped gift, the colourful art peaking out from under the Christmas tree? What a treat!

    Our pretty little gift tags are printed on uncoated board and come in a set of 5 tags (of the same design) with rustic twisted string. We have 17 designs to choose from, so why not mix n match?

    Gift Tags